Puno hvala svima Vama koji ste do sada podržali restoran MOST.
Nažalost imam jednu tužnu vijest za Vas.
S krajem svibnja MOST zatvara vrata.
Zbog bolesti što mi se prošle godine pojavila na desnoj nozi, restoran je počeo raditi samo uz prethodnu rezervaciju.
No, nastavljajući raditi bez da se sasvim oporavim bolest mi se u međuvremenu nekoliko puta vraćala.
Na kraju sam ipak odlučio da prije nego mi se stanje pogorša zatvorim restoran i u cijelosti se posvetim liječenju dok ne ozdravim.
Neizmjerno mi je žao što moram zatvoriti i još jednom zahvaljujem svima Vama na podršci!
U ovom trenutku jedino mogu reći da ću Vas o stanju obavještavati putem ovog bloga te na facebook-u pod imenom Halu Iwasaki.
Nakon što se oporavim namjeravam nastaviti s nešto drugačijim MOST-om, u obliku zabava s hrvatskom hranom u pub-u jednog mog prijatelja.
Ime MOST dolazi od hrvatske riječi "most".
Ja sam tek oronuo drveni mostić. No uz pomoć svih s kojima sam se povezao putem nogometa i Osaka Cerezo nastalo je nešto kao viseći drveni most, a uz sve koji su navraćali i okupljali se u MOST-u čini mi se da smo postali gotovo poput kamenog mosta.
Volio bih da jednoga dana izraste u raskošan most koji okuplja i povezuje razne ljude.
Iako nestaje mjesto nazvano MOST kojeg ste voljeli, svi Vi koji ste podržali MOST nakon što je postao restoran uz rezervacije, svi koji ste voljeli MOST dok je bio cafe, svi koji ste se okupljali oko malog nogometa, svi koji ste dolazili na tečaj kuhanja, svi Vi iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Australije, Amerike, Kanade, Srbije, Mađarske, Bugarske, Rumunjske, Češke, Slovačke, Grčke, Ukrajine…, svima Vama što ste navijali za MOST, od srca Vam hvala!
To all of you who support MOST
Thanks to all of you who have been supporting MOST in the past.
Unfortunately I have some sad news for you.
With the end of May MOST is closing doors.
Due to an illness that appeared on my right leg, from last year the restaurant was working with reservation only.
However, continuing to work without first fully recovering the disease kept coming back.
Ultimately I have decided that, before my health becomes worse, I should close the restaurant and dedicate myself to therapy until I heal completely.
I regret immensely that I need to close and I thank all of you once more for your support.
At this moment I can only say that I will continue to report on my state on this blog and on my facebook page "Halu Iwasaki".
After I recover I plan to continue with a somewhat different MOST, in a form of Croatian food parties in a pub of a friend.
The name MOST comes from the Croatian word for bridge.
I am just a shabby log bridge. But with the help of everyone gathering around Osaka Cerezo and football it turned into something like a hanging wooden bridge, and with everyone who kept coming and gathering in MOST I feel it became almost like a true stone bridge.
I would like to someday make it into a splendid bridge where many diverse people gather and connect together.
Even th
ough the place called MOST that you all liked is disappearing, all of you that supported MOST after it became a reservation restaurant and all of you who loved it when it was still a cafe, all of you gathering around futsal, all of you that came to the cooking classes, all of you from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Australia, USA, Canada, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech republic, Slovakia, Greece, Ukraine…, to all of you that were MOST fans, thank you very much!